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""I appear nearly human because I've purged most evil from my soul."
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"I appear nearly human because I've purged most evil from my soul."
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Original Timeline
"I am a demon, a denizen of the Netherrealm. For ages, my sisters and I have blindly served Quan Chi as members of The Brotherhood of Shadow. But I questioned a command given by the sorcerer. To set an example, he sent my own sister to slay me. During my escape, I discovered a weapon - a sword - that seemed to be of heavenly origin. With each demonic assassin that has fallen to this blade, I have felt a strange exhilaration. It is as if the taint of evil is leaving me. Now I understand the strange sensation I feel when I exterminate a demon of the Netherrealm with this sword. The sword is purifying me as I cleanse the world of evil. With each fiend I eradicate, my presence here becomes more unstable...soon I will be expelled from this realm. If I were to slay a powerful demon such as Noob Saibot, I would finally become an ascending demon, free from the Netherrealm forever."
One day, Ashrah refused to carry out one of Quan Chi's orders. In response, he sent her sister, a fellow member of The Brotherhood of Shadow, to kill her. While escaping her would-be assassin, she found a holy sword known as the Kriss. As she learned how to wield the blade, slaying Netherrealm demons with it, Ashrah began to recognize that with each one she killed, the sword progressively cleansed her spirit of evil. She then resolved to liberate herself from her inherent malevolent nature by using the Kriss to eliminate the evil within her. Each demon that she slew brought her closer to her goal of purification and, consequentially, her eventual expulsion from the Netherrealm, as that dimension could not sustain anyone with a soul containing such purity. What she did not know, however, was that her Kriss blade was actually the "Datusha", a mystical vampire-slaying weapon that corrupts its wielder with the false belief that they are using it for a greater purpose in order to continue its genocide against the vampires and other demons.
At some point in the past, Ashrah allied herself with Shujinko and taught him demon-slaying techniques. She came into conflict with Ermac, mistakenly believing him to be a demon and attempting to kill him, however, she was defeated. During the events of Mortal Kombat: Deception, she searched for Noob Saibot, whom she considered to be a powerful demon, in order to slay him, since doing so would enable her to complete her ascension.
Current Timeline
Em "As a demon, all Ashrah knew was pain and violence. She assumed all beings, in all realms, lived as she did. But once she journeyed outside of the Netherrealm, she realized her error. Other realms were of beauty and peace. She could not aid in their defilement. Ashrah fled from her sister demons. Along the way, she found an enchanted kriss. It was a demon slayer, which she used to finish her pursuers. She was stunned to discover that using the kriss to destroy evil was purifying her soul. And that if she continued to do so, she could free herself from the Netherrealm. Ashrah senses that her final absolution is near. Once achieved, she will finally enter the light."
Prior to the events of the main story, the demon Ashrah once thought herself consigned to the horrors of the Netherrealm, along with her sisters. The Outworlder Quan Chi, having gained powerful magical prowess, was able to master the sorcery necessary to infiltrate the Netherrealm and force Ashrah and her sisters into servitude, creating his Sisterhood of Shadow. However, Ashrah eventually broke free from Quan Chi's reins, witnessing the tranquility of other realms in stark contrast to her homeworld and realizing she could not aid him in his realm-sized conquest. Though Quan Chi sent Ashrah's own sisters after her, Ashrah would luck out upon discovering a kriss that was enchanted to suitably smite evil. Seizing the opportunity to cleanse her soul, Ashrah took the kriss and began a journey of razor-sharp self-purification, destroying Kia and Jataaka along the way, all while hoping to free her remaining sister, Sareena, the same way she attempted to free herself. Eventually, she found herself in Outworld, chased by more of Quan Chi's demons.
In the midst of Ashrah slaying her demonic pursuers, the noise from her battle alerts a nearby party of Baraka, Johnny Cage, Kenshi, Kung Lao and Syzoth. Seeing the approaching Baraka and Syzoth in his natural form, Ashrah mistakes them for more of Quan Chi's minions and attacks them in a rage, only to be defeated by Baraka. After being told they are not demons, she apologizes and is relieved that no permanent harm was done. She tells the others her identity and that she is both targeting and targeted by Quan Chi, the sorcerer who is working alongside Shang Tsung. Realizing that their goals align, they join forces and allow Ashrah to lead them to Quan Chi using her enchanted kriss.
Along the way, Ashrah explains more about why she defected from the Sisterhood of Shadow and seeks to absolve herself of sins and, thus, her demonic blood. Deep in the Living Forest, they encounter Quan Chi powering up a soul stealer alongside Ashrah's sister Sareena and their cohorts Nitara, Darrius and Havik. Ashrah warns the others that single soul stealer can consume hundreds of thousands of souls, and that if a battery of them were unleashed on Earthrealm, it would be devastating. The group resolve to put a stop to Quan Chi's plans, with Ashrah leading the charge. Ashrah battles and defeats Nitara, but Quan Chi uses the souls of the Living Forest to construct a new servant: Ermac.
Ermac proves a formidable opponent, but Ashrah battles Havik and Darrius and then Quan Chi and Ermac. Wishing to help his friends, the recently-blinded Kenshi brandishes Sento and, hearing the voices of his ancestors, manages to stab Ermac and steal some of his powers. He and Ashrah join forces against their enemies, defeating each until the souls within Ermac go awry, momentarily allowing Jerrod to manifest before the soul warrior faints. Furthermore, the souls Quan Chi took from the Living Forest turn against him and grab at his face, causing his skin to turn its trademark white color and leaving him unconscious. Their immediate goals complete, the group part ways with Baraka.
Returning to Sun Do, the group disguise themselves and the unconscious Quan Chi as festival-goers to elude the Outworld military. Ashrah is less than thrilled about a festival hat Johnny picked out for her, but Johnny insists it suits her (a subtle reference to the original Ashrah). Syzoth manages to distract Outworld security for long enough despite being injured by Reiko's shuriken, and bests Li Mei, Kitana, Tanya and Khameleon. Meanwhile, General Shao and his soldiers catch up to Ashrah and the others, allowing Quan Chi to escape, but Syzoth and Kenshi swing down from a building to rejoin them in battle (Ashrah opting for one of the guard's swords rather than her kriss to fight). They battle through Outworld's forces and escape back to Earthrealm, where Liu Kang welcomes Syzoth and Ashrah using their real names, much to their surprise. Ashrah asks Liu Kang if he also knows of Quan Chi, and informs him of his schemes with Shang Tsung. Liu Kang is disturbed at the idea of the Deadly Alliance repeating itself, and urges them to recount all they know.
NAME: Ashrah
ALIASES: The Demon
ORIGIN: Netherrealm
ETHNICITY: Demon count, right?
EYE COLOR: Demonic
OCCUPATION: Founder of The Order of Light
LIKES: Input info
ADDICTIONS: Input info
BIRTHMARKS: Input info
SCARS: Demonic markings
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.